Friday, September 9, 2011


In Defence of Marxism
  Wednesday, 7 September 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Oke Tunde in Lagos

Nigerian economy: Rising debt, IMF again and collapsing infrastructure as fat cats get fatter. Photo: Robert PratherIn November 2005, during the tenure of Obasanjo with Okonjo Iweala as finance minister, Nigeria paid the huge sum of 12 billion dollars to buy back 18 billion dollars of debt owed to the Paris Club. This prepared the ground for Nigeria to completely pay off its debt by April 2006. And it also made her the first African country to fully pay off its debt (estimated at $30 billion) owed to the Paris Club. This "exit" from the debt trap was celebrated both nationally and internationally; the celebrations alone were estimated to have consumed 2.4billion Naira.

By Jessica Cassell

Youth in Canada and globally are being unjustly forced to bear the heavy burden of the capitalist crisis. While corporations worldwide continue to maximize profits, youth are suffering record unemployment rates that leave them susceptible to poverty, a lack of housing and education, and an increased risk of violence and conflict with the law.

By Lal Khan

El caos y la masacre humana que perdura en Karachi desde hace  más de tres décadas se intensifican de forma periódica. Otra ola de esta violencia terrible se ha desatado en las últimas semanas. Sin embargo, esta ola de  horripilantes asesinatos  y  devastación no es la causa sino el síntoma de la severa enfermedad del sistema social y económico, esta crisis terrible es la que está empujando actualmente a la sociedad a las garras de la barbarie.

By Daniel Morley

Lørdag den tredje september gjorde de israelske masser det utvetydigt klart, at de ikke ville lade sig blive afsporet og splittet af den herskende klasses gamle kneb med "del og hersk", ej heller var de villige til at lade deres bevægelse løbe tør for damp i sommervarmen, hvilket blev vist ved, at en halv million gik på gaden for at forlange social retfærdighed og revolution. Alene i Tel Aviv gik 300.000 på gaden. I Jerusalem deltog 50.000, hvilket er det dobbelte af, hvad vi har set i de tidligere demonstrationer denne sommer.

By Ρομπ Σιούελ

Τα γεγονότα κινούνται με αστραπιαία ταχύτητα. Οι χρηματιστηριακές αγορές είναι σε μια ελεύθερη πτώση παγκόσμια. Κάποιες μέρες σηματοδότησαν μια πρόσκαιρη αναζωογόνηση, μόνο όμως για να ακολουθηθούν από μεγαλύτερους σπασμούς. Η όλη κατάσταση μας θυμίζει το 2008 ή σωστότερα τη δεκαετία του 1930.

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