Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Britain: November 30th public sector strikes - Biggest movement since 1926

In Defence of Marxism
  Friday, 4 November 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Terry McPartlan

november 30 strikeOn November 30th 2011, three million public sector workers in Britain will strike over the government's attacks on their pensions. This coordinated strike action represents the biggest strike movement since the general strike in 1926. To all intents and purposes it will be a 24-hour public sector general strike.  

By Adam Pal

Pakistan: Youth Alliance October 2011Events of the Arab Revolution and the movements across Europe and USA have once again vindicated the Marxist positions about the role of youth. It was the youth who initiated these revolutions and movements. Subcontinent and Pakistan have a rich history of the revolutionary role played by the youth. As the "best barometer of society", the revolutionary youth of Pakistan have realized the need to join hands in their common struggle against oppression, unemployment, fundamentalism, discrimination, costly education and capitalism.

By Stamatis Karagiannopoulos

Este artículo fue publicado el de 1 de Noviembre de 2011 por los marxistas griegos de Marxistiki Foni, antes del anuncio de referendum de Papandreu. Pero describe vívidamente acontecimientos que no han tenido audiencia internacional, a través de los cuales podemos comprender vívidamente la crisis política extrema que vive el país, así como el propio anuncio de Papandreu.

By Jonas Foldager and Marie Frederiksen

Den cubanske forfatter Leonardo Padura besøgte 20-22. september Danmark, i anledning af at hans bog Manden, der elskede hunde, netop er blevet udgivet på dansk. Du kan læse en anmeldelse af bogen her, men vi kan her afsløre, at bogen varmt kan anbefales; det er en fantastisk roman, som det er svært at lægge fra sig trods sine mere end 700 sider.

By Cecillia Gingerich

Trazemos abaixo a carta de uma estudante da Universidade de Nova Iorque (NYU), Cecília Gingerich, que participou da Universidade da Sociedade Marxista de Londres na primavera de 2010. Ela é agora uma participante no Ocupar Wall Street

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