Sunday, January 8, 2012

Marxism and Anarchism-Part One

In Defence of Marxism
  Thursday, 5 January 2012 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Alan Woods

Marxism and Anarchism - Ralph AichingerThe present period is the most stormy and convulsive period in history. Globalization now manifests itself as a global crisis of capitalism. Given the depth of the crisis and the worsening conditions, things are developing very quickly. The stage isset for a general revival of the class struggle, and in fact, this process has already begun.

By Lal Khan

The year 2011 was perhaps the most turbulent year in recent history. The Arab Spring, the European Summer and the American Fall were an upheaval that traversed the planet. For the first time in history there were demonstrations in more than 900 cities across the world in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement in the US. The main cause that triggered this massive response of the workers and youth throughout the world was the eruption of a rebellion in the very womb of imperialism.

By Daniel Morley

La última y "decisiva" cumbre-europea-para-acabar-con-todas-las-cumbres-de-la-UE-y-arreglar-la-crisis-de-la-zona-Euro-de-una-vez-y-para-siempre, ha fallado marcadamente en hacerlo—tal como todas las cumbres "últimas" y "decisivas". Como en las reuniones previas, los mercados declararon completamente insatisfactorias los resultados de la misma. Estas reuniones de los mandatarios de la UE son ya una moneda completamente devaluada. Nada ha cambiado a excepción de que las contradicciones nacionales ahora son más agudas e insolubles de lo que antes ya eran.

By La Riposte

Deux responsables de La Riposte, Greg Oxley et Jérôme Métellus, ont eu récemment l'occasion de discuter avec Jean-Luc Mélenchon au siège du Parti de Gauche. Eric Coquerel, de la direction du PG, était également présent. La discussion était fraternelle et a couvert de nombreux sujets. Greg et Jérôme ont réaffirmé l'engagement de La Riposte à mener campagne pour les candidats du Front de Gauche aux élections législatives et présidentielles. Ils ont aussi proposé à Jean-Luc Mélenchon de publier une interview de lui dans notre journal. Il a immédiatement accepté. La voici.

By Lucha de Clases - Venezuela

Documento dos camaradas da CMI venezuelana, divulgado no jornal Lucha de Clases, defende a intervenção dentro do Pólo Patriótico com um programa de combate à burocracia e aos patrões, pelo socialismo

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