Sunday, January 8, 2012

Nigerian Farce

In Defence of Marxism
  Friday, 6 January 2012 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Workers' Alternative Editorial Board, Lagos, Nigeria

Police has fired tear gas at protestors in Nigeria angry at the latest increase in the price of fuel. In the northern town of Kano around 300 people were wounded in the attack and 19 were arrested. Tension has been mounting as protesters have clashed with riot police in different parts of Nigeria for the past three days and the trade unions have called for a nationwide indefinite strike to start Monday. More protests are expected across the country in the coming days. Here we provide the Editorial statement of the Workers' Alternative on this key issue affecting the Nigerian masses.

By Rashy in Lagos

20110103 JAF protest-1-thHuman consciousness is naturally conservative. People naturally stick to the old ways of doing things, but when a great event occurs, consciousness becomes transformed in a matter of seconds and people begin to question what they have not been questioning before. This perfectly confirms the present Nigerian situation. (3 January 2012)

By Workers Alternative

Nigeria: new issue of Workers' AlternativeJust in time for the general strike, the Nigerian Marxists have published the latest issue of Workers' Alternative. Download it here (pdfpdf506.26 KB).

By Serge Goulart

Iniciamos aquí la publicación de una serie de textos sobre las lecciones que podemos extraer de las luchas obreras en la ocupación de fábricas en Brasil. Entre 2002 y 2005 fueron 35 las fábricas que llegaron a estar bajo ocupación obrera en este país.

By Serge Goulart

Iniciamos aqui publicação de uma série de textos sobre as lições dos marxistas nas lutas de ocupação de fábricas.

By Alan Woods

For præcis et år siden, skrev jeg i en artikel med titlen: 2011: - optimisme eller pessimisme? (2011: - Optimism or pessimism?) "Krisens første virkning var chok, ikke kun for de borgerlige, men også for arbejderne. Der var en tendens til at klynge sig til jobs og acceptere nedskæringer på kort sigt, især eftersom fagforeningslederne ikke tilbyder noget alternativ. Men dette vil blive erstattet med en generel vrede og bitterhed, som før eller senere vil begynde at påvirke arbejderklassens masseorganisationer."

By De redactie van Vonk

Er is een oorlog uitgebroken, je moet het iedereen vertellen!" Met deze woorden belde een ooggetuige vanuit Zhanaozen (Kazachstan) om de wereld op de hoogte te brengen van de bloedige gebeurtenissen.

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