Friday, October 14, 2011

Pakistan: Nestle workers under brutal attack by management

In Defence of Marxism
  Wednesday, 12 October 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Mousa Ladqani

Seven months into the Syrian Revolution masses still striving for a breakthrough. Photo: syriana2011In the seventh month of its life, the Syrian revolution has passed through many stages, experienced ebbs and flows, and reached new layers of the masses while others have passed into inactivity or suffered brutal oppression. However, the youth and the oppressed are determined to carry the torch of the revolution to the end, to "victory or martyrdom". The revolt has spread like wildfire, and all the efforts of a decaying regime to extinguish the fire have resulted in no more than a temporary relief. The masses have awakened from their slumber to come onto the stage of history, and a nation is being reborn baptised in blood and fire.

By Camilo Cahis

Apathy wins: More than half of Ontario voters tune out provincial election. Photo: OseiJudging from last night's Ontario election results, it would not appear that we are currently living in the most turbulent time in several generations.  The disappointing campaigns of the three political parties — the Liberals, Tories, and NDP — carried through into the election where, for the first time in Ontario history, less than half of eligible voters found a reason to cast a ballot.  The CBC was vindicated in their decision to give preference to the Leafs' 2-0 shutout of the Habs and punting election coverage to CBC News Network.

By Asad Patafi (PTUDC Multan)

Nestle Management in Kabirwala, near Khanewal, have attacked the workers for raising their voice against tyranny. The official of the Police, Judiciary and Local Administration are slavishly following the orders of their capitalist masters.

By El Militante - Argentina

Las elecciones presidenciales del 23 de octubre tienen una gran trascendencia para los trabajadores y demás sectores populares. Se trata de terminar el trabajo iniciado en las elecciones primarias del 14 de agosto: asestarle un nuevo golpe a la derecha, igual de contundente, para cerrarle el camino a la Casa Rosada durante cuatro años más.

By Alan Woods

Enquanto no Chile e na Grécia manifestantes se enfrentam com a repressão, nos EUA o Movimento Ocupar Wall Street realiza grande marcha com mais de 15 mil pessoas em Nova Iorque e já chegou até Washington, começando a se unir aos trabalhadores e sindicatos.

By Fred Weston

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