Friday, October 14, 2011

Pakistan: Worker burned due to callousness of Unilever Rahim Yar Khan

In Defence of Marxism
  Tuesday, 11 October 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Tony Healy

 Free Marian PriceThe decision of the Secretary Of State to revoke Marian Price's release from prison has been met with widespread opposition from the Republican movement. The justification given was that the threat that she poses has "significantly increased" and that she had been encouraging support for an illegal organisation based on her involvement in an Easter comm

By Cecillia Gingerich

Letter: To the ULU Marxists from a participant in the Occupy Wall Street movementA letter from a student at New York University (NYU), Cecillia Gingerich, who was a member of the University of London Marxist Society while studying in London in the spring of 2010. She is now a participant in Occupy Wall Street and in her letter gives a first hand account of her experience of the movement from the beginning.

By Haide Chughtai (PTUDC R.Y.Khan)

Haif Mehboob of Unilever, burnt while working Photo: www.ptudc.orgUnilever Management has received many awards internationally for safety in their factories, especially the management are always touting the idea that safety at their R.Y.Khan plant is the best in the world. This, however, is a big lie like so many others told by capitalists around the world. In 2011 alone there were two major accidents at R.Y.Khan. In one accident three fingers of a worker were cut in a machine.

By Patrick Larsen

En la cuarta y última parte del artículo sobre la lucha de Trotsky y sus seguidores por una auténtica Internacional revolucionaria, se hace un estudio de las situaciones revolucionarias que se presentaron en Europa durante 1943 y 1945, y cómo estas posibilidades fueron secuestradas y desviadas por las fuerzas dominantes dentro del movimiento obrero: los reformistas y los estalinistas. Esta traición contundente abrió el camino para una nueva situación a nivel mundial que la mayoría de los seguidores de Trotsky no fueron capaces de comprender.

By Lal Khan

A pedra de fundação da ONU foi lançada pelo presidente Truman, que ordenou o lançamento de duas bombas atômicas sobre Hiroshima e Nagasaki, mesmo quando o Japão já estava para se render.

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