Saturday, October 15, 2011

India: Power Loom Worker's Strike Back in Punjab State

In Defence of Marxism
  Wednesday, 5 October 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Major Singh

On 3rd October, striking Power Loom workers from various areas of Ludhiana gathered to demonstrate in front of the Labour Department offices for a second time to increase the pressure on local officials to get their demands met. This was the 12th day of the workers' struggle to get a pay increase to offset the recent rises in inflation and to have labour laws enforced that are part of the Indian constitution. These have yet to be accepted by the employers who are trying their best in order to ignore the plight of the workers.

By Lal Khan

As if the catastrophic effects of terrorism, flooding, violence, the dengue plague and other innumerable disasters were not enough, the ruling elite and its brash media has hyped up the empty imperialist provocations and vague threats, adding to the mental trauma the masses were already suffering in Pakistan.

By Jorge Martín

Jorge Martín speaking on the Spanish Revolution at the recent World School of the IMT.

By Carlos Márquez

El 7 de octubre debe salir en libertad condicional René González después de estar preso durante 13 años en las cárceles estadounidenses. Él es uno de los 5 antiterroristas cubanos presos por el imperialismo estadounidense. Su libertad no se debe a razones humanitarias ni a la benevolencia del gobierno norteamericano: la única razón es que ya ha cubierto su condena aunque le quedan 3 años de libertad condicional. La saña con la que el imperialismo ha actuado contra estos compañeros es una venganza hacia el pueblo cubano y su revolución por atreverse a dirigir sus propios destinos sin obedecer los dictados imperialistas y empezar a construir una sociedad socialista.

By John Peterson in the USA

Até agora, o movimento não atraiu as maiores camadas da classe trabalhadora, dos trabalhadores organizados. Mas este é sempre o caminho por onde os movimentos de massas revolucionários se iniciam.

By Socialist Appeal USA

Começa a ocorrer nos EUA manifestações de jovens, movimentos por melhores condições de vida, por moradia. Contudo ainda são movimentos confusos, mas representam algo de novo, que poderá frutificar se ligarem-se às lutas dos trabalhadores.

By John Peterson in the USA

"Schande! Es reicht! Wir sind die 99%!" – Diese Slogans bringen die Stimmung der Jugendlichen, die seit Mitte September New York City mit ihren Protestaktionen in Atem halten und zum Ausdruck bringen, was Millionen Menschen in den USA und weltweit denken. Von John Peterson (Workers International League, USA).

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