Thursday, 6 October 2011 | About us Contact us Join us |
By Alan Woods Yesterday Wall Street was rocked by a mass demonstration of over 15,000 people protesting against "corporate greed." The crowd jammed the square and stretched for blocks along Broadway. This unprecedented protest was a manifestation of the mood of anger, bitterness and frustration that has been accumulating for years in American society, which had already previously erupted in the big demonstrations and walkouts in Madison, Wisconsin, culminating in the occupation of the Capitol. | By Hamid Alizadeh Since Sunday, September 25th more than 6000 casual workers at the Bandar Imam petro-chemical complex – Iran's 14th largest company, based on reported sales – in the south eastern part of Iran have been on strike. In solidarity with them, workers from at least four other petrochemical plants in the "Petrochemical Special Economic Zone" (PETZONE), housing some of the largest petrochemical complexes of Iran, have been involved in the conflict. | By Erik Demeester | | | ESPAÑOL | Nos complace anunciar la nueva página web de Lucha de Clases en el Estado Español, publicada por un grupo de militantes de Izquierda Unida que comparten los análisis políticos de la Corriente Marxista Internacional. | |
| OTHER LANGUAGES | By جان پیترسون از آمریکا "دیگر بس است! ما 99 درصد هستیم!" این احساسِ جوانان شجاعی است که اکنون پلازای آزادی در شهر نیویورک، در چند قدمی وال استریت، را به اشغال درآوردهاند. این احساس فروخوردهی میلیونها نه، میلیاردها نفر در سراسر جهان است. بیکاری بس است! جنگ بس است! فقر بس است! تبعیض بس است! | By John Peterson, WIL "Nok er nok! Vi er de 99%!" det er den følelse der udtrykkes af de modige unge, der nu besætter Frihedspladsen i New York City, bare et par meter fra Wall Street. Der er en ophobede følelse hos millioner – nej – milliarder af mennesker over hele verden. Nu er det nok med arbejdsløshed! Nu er det nok med krig! Nu er det nok med fattigdom! Nu er det nok med diskriminering! | | |

About Me
Afghan leftist , international revolutionary. Trained many revolutionaries from 1978 to 1992 in the art of armed insurrection. Hizb e Parcham All we know is that Marx was right. A graduate of USSR Intelligence school at Tashkent and Kiev. Originally a Baloch from Farah province in Afghanistan and now settled in Quetta Pakistan.
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