Saturday, October 15, 2011

USA: Youth Hit the Streets

In Defence of Marxism
  Tuesday, 4 October 2011 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By John Peterson in the USA

USA: Youth Hit the Streets; Labor Must Join Them! -"Enough is enough! We are the 99%!" This is the sentiment being expressed by the brave youth now occupying Freedom Plaza in New York City, just a few feet away from Wall Street. This is the pent-up feeling of millions—no—billions of people around the world. Enough unemployment! Enough war! Enough poverty! Enough discrimination!

By Sam Ashton

1936: The Battle of Cable Street - www.marxist.comThe 4th October marks the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street, a momentous event in which the working people of London united to deliver a decisive blow against the menace British fascism. In this article we commemorate the brave stand of those workers who fought the fascists while seeking to expose the real nature of fascism and drawing lessons for today's struggles against the English Defence League (EDL) and the British National Party (BNP).

By Fightback Industrial (Ireland)

UNISON Health and Education strike: All out on the 5thThe 24 hour strike by UNISON members to defend Health and Education Services in the North is an indication of the scale of the crisis in the public sector. But its also the most significant trade union struggle to hit the North since the onset of the current economic crisis.

By Jorge Martin

En una entrevista que dejó atónita a la presentadora de BBC News, un "broker independiente", Alessio Rastani, dio su opinión muy francamente acerca de las perspectivas para la economía mundial. "Esta crisis económica es como un cáncer, si simplemente esperas y esperas esperando que se vaya el cáncer crecerá y será demasiado tarde", dijo, añadiendo que los gobiernos no serían capaces de recomponer sus economías.

By Fred Weston

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